Table Name | Table Description |
PAY_ACCRUAL_BANDS | Length of service bands used in calculating accrual of paid time off. |
PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS | PTO accrual plan definitions, (Paid time off). |
PAY_ACTION_CLASSIFICATIONS | Payroll Action Type classifications. |
PAY_ACTION_CONTEXTS | Assignment Action Contexts. |
PAY_ACTION_INFORMATION | Archived data stored by legislation |
PAY_ACTION_INTERLOCKS | Assignment action interlock definitions to control rollback processing. |
PAY_ACTION_PARAMETERS | Global parameters to control process execution. |
PAY_ACTION_PARAMETER_GROUPS | Groups of Pay Action Parameters |
PAY_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUES | Values for the specified action parameters |
PAY_AC_VENDOR_MAPPINGS | North American Table to control the mapping of internal Values to External Vendor Values |
PAY_ALL_PAYROLLS_F | Payroll group definitions. |
PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS | Action or process results, showing which assignments have been processed by a specific payroll action, or process. |
PAY_ASSIGNMENT_LATEST_BALANCES | Denormalised assignment level latest balances. |
PAY_AU_MODULES | Defines the processes that can be executed by the generic code caller. |
PAY_AU_MODULE_PARAMETERS | Defines the parameters associated with the module used in the generic code |
PAY_AU_MODULE_TYPES | Defines the module types used in the generic code caller |
PAY_AU_PROCESSES | This table defines the processes that can be executed by the generic code caller. |
PAY_AU_PROCESS_MODULES | Defines the intersection between processes and modules used by the generic code caller. |
PAY_AU_PROCESS_PARAMETERS | Defines the parameters for a process. |
PAY_BACKPAY_RULES | Balances to be recalculated by a RetroPay process. |
PAY_BACKPAY_SETS | Identifies backpay, or RetroPay sets. |
PAY_BALANCE_ATTRIBUTES | Holds mappings between attributes and defined balances. |
PAY_BALANCE_BATCH_HEADERS | Batch header information for balance upload batch. |
PAY_BALANCE_BATCH_LINES | Individual batch lines for the balance upload process. |
PAY_BALANCE_CATEGORIES_F | Holds seeded categories for balances. |
PAY_BALANCE_CLASSIFICATIONS | Information on which element classifications feed a balance. |
PAY_BALANCE_CONTEXT_VALUES | Localization balance contexts. |
PAY_BALANCE_DIMENSIONS | Information allowing the summation of a balance. |
PAY_BALANCE_FEEDS_F | Controls which input values can feed a balance type. |
PAY_BALANCE_SETS | Allows related balances to be grouped for reporting purposes. |
PAY_BALANCE_SET_MEMBERS | Individual members of the balance set |
PAY_BALANCE_TYPES | Balance information. |
PAY_BALANCE_TYPES_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_BALANCE_TYPES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_BALANCE_TYPES_TL | Translated balance type definitions |
PAY_BALANCE_VALIDATION | Balance Validity information |
PAY_BAL_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS | Balance attribution defaulted according to values in this table. |
PAY_BAL_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITIONS | Balance attributes help to identify which balances should be usedin which reports. |
PAY_BANK_BRANCHES | Stores bank branch information to enable entry of bank account details with the correct branch information (e.g. GB bank, sort code, branch). |
PAY_BATCH_CONTROL_TOTALS | Holds user defined control totals for the Batch Element Entry process. |
PAY_BATCH_HEADERS | Header information for a Batch Element Entry batch. |
PAY_BATCH_LINES | Batch lines for a Batch Element Entry batch. |
PAY_CALENDARS | Details of user defined budgetary calendars. |
PAY_CA_EMP_FED_TAX_INFO_F | Canadian federal tax information |
PAY_CA_EMP_PROV_TAX_INFO_F | Canadian provincial tax information |
PAY_CA_FILE_CREATION_NUMBERS | Used by Canadian direct deposit |
PAY_CA_LEGISLATION_INFO | Canadian legislation specific data |
PAY_CA_PMED_ACCOUNTS | Canadian Provincial Medical account information |
PAY_CE_RECONCILED_PAYMENTS | Holds reconciliation information for payments processed through Oracle Cash Management. |
PAY_COIN_ANAL_ELEMENTS | Monetary unit quantities for automatic make-up of cash payments. |
PAY_CONSOLIDATION_SETS | Consolidation set of results of payroll processing. |
PAY_COSTS | Cost details and values for run results. |
PAY_COSTS_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_COSTS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_COST_ALLOCATIONS_F | Cost allocation details for an assignment. |
PAY_COST_ALLOCATION_KEYFLEX | Cost Allocation key flexfield combinations table. |
PAY_CUSTOMIZED_RESTRICTIONS | CustomForm restrictions for specific forms. |
PAY_DATED_TABLES | Holds details of datetracked columns |
PAY_DATETRACKED_EVENTS | Stores details of events to track on HRMS Datetrack tables |
PAY_DIMENSION_ROUTES | Stores balance dimension relationships. |
PAY_ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATIONS | Element classifications for legislation and information needs. |
PAY_ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATIONS_TL | Translated element classification definitions |
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F | Element entry list for each assignment. |
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F | Actual input values for specific element entries. |
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_ELEMENT_LINKS_F | Eligibility rules for an element type. |
PAY_ELEMENT_SETS | Element sets. Used to restrict payroll runs, customize windows, or as a distribution set for costs. |
PAY_ELEMENT_TEMPLATES | Element Templates |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F | Element definitions. |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F_TL | Translated element definitions |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_EXTRA_INFO | Stores extra information for an element |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against an element. |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_RULES | Include and exclude rules for specific elements in an element set. |
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGES_F | Used to store elements included or excluded from a defined run type. |
PAY_ELE_PAYROLL_FREQ_RULES | Frequency rules for a deduction/payroll combination. |
PAY_ENTRY_PROCESS_DETAILS | Internal processing details for certain element entries |
PAY_EVENT_GROUPS | Provides grouping for user control of event monitoring |
PAY_EVENT_PROCEDURES | Code to execute if event detected. |
PAY_EVENT_QUALIFIERS_F | Event Qualification definitions |
PAY_EVENT_UPDATES | Process event update transactions |
PAY_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGES_F | Values changes that cause an event |
PAY_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNTS | Bank account details that enable payments to be made. |
PAY_FILE_DETAILS | Report file details that have been saved in the system |
PAY_FORMULA_RESULT_RULES_F | Rules for specific formula results. |
PAY_FREQ_RULE_PERIODS | Stores frequency rule for a deduction/payroll combination. |
PAY_FR_CONTRIBUTION_USAGES | PAY_FR_CONTRIBUTION_USAGES holds the definition of statutory payroll contributions in the French legislation. |
PAY_FUNCTIONAL_AREAS | Holds definitions of functional areas |
PAY_FUNCTIONAL_TRIGGERS | Defines the triggers contained in a functional area |
PAY_FUNCTIONAL_USAGES | Enables functional areas for specific legislations, business groups and payrolls |
PAY_GB_SOY_OUTPUTS | Temporary table for GB Start of Year process outputs. |
PAY_GB_TAX_CODE_INTERFACE | Interface table for the UK Start of Year process. |
PAY_GB_YEAR_END_ASSIGNMENTS | Extraction table for UK End of Year processing, which holds information about assignments. |
PAY_GB_YEAR_END_PAYROLLS | Payroll information for the UK EOY process. |
PAY_GB_YEAR_END_VALUES | Extraction table for the UK End of Year process that holds information about the NI balances at the year end. |
PAY_GL_INTERFACE | Costed details to be passed to the General Ledger |
PAY_GRADE_RULES_F | Stores the values for grade or progression point rates. |
PAY_GRADE_RULES_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_GRADE_RULES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_GROSSUP_BAL_EXCLUSIONS | Stores balances which will be excluded for gross up by the net to gross process |
PAY_IE_PAYE_DETAILS_F | PAY_IE_PAYE_DETAILS_F holds the PAYE Tax Details for an assignment. It is a Date Tracked table. |
PAY_IE_PRSI_DETAILS_F | PAY_IE_PRSI_DETAILS_F holds the PRSI Details for an assignment. It is a Date Tracked table. |
PAY_IE_SOCIAL_BENEFITS_F | PAY_IE_SOCIAL_BENEFITS_F holds the social benefit details for an assignment.This is a date tracked table |
PAY_IE_TAX_BODY_INTERFACE | PAY_IE_TAX_BODY_INTERFACE,Interface table used for uploading data into PAYE tables from a flat file. |
PAY_IE_TAX_ERROR | PAY_IE_TAX_ERROR,Table used to populate errors occured during uploading PAYE details. |
PAY_IE_TAX_HEADER_INTERFACE | PAY_IE_TAX_HEADER_INTERFACE,Interface table used for uploading data into PAYE tables from a flat file. |
PAY_IE_TAX_TRAILER_INTERFACE | PAY_IE_TAX_TRAILER_INTERFACE,Interface table used for uploading data into PAYE tables from a flat file. |
PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F | Input value definitions for specific elements. |
PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F_TL | Translated input value definitions |
PAY_ITERATIVE_RULES_F | Holds the processing rules of iterative elements. |
PAY_JOB_WC_CODE_USAGES | Workers Compensation codes for specific job and state combinations. |
PAY_JP_BANKS | This table is used for Japanese bank information. |
PAY_JP_BANK_BRANCHES | This table is used for Japanese bank branch information. |
PAY_JP_PRE_TAX | This table is a temporary table for Japanese legislative reports. |
PAY_JP_SWOT_NUMBERS | Holds Japanese Tax Special Withholding Obligation Taxpayer Numbers. |
PAY_LEGISLATION_CONTEXTS | Maps core contexts to legislative names |
PAY_LEGISLATION_RULES | Legislation specific rules and structure identifiers. |
PAY_LEGISLATIVE_FIELD_INFO | Controls legislative rules on individual form fields |
PAY_LINK_INPUT_VALUES_F | Input value overrides for a specific element link. |
PAY_LINK_INPUT_VALUES_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_LINK_INPUT_VALUES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_MAGNETIC_BLOCKS | Driving table for fixed format version of the magnetic tape process. |
PAY_MAGNETIC_RECORDS | Controls the detailed formatting of the fixed format version of the magnetic tape process. |
PAY_MESSAGE_LINES | Error messages from running a process. |
PAY_MONETARY_UNITS | Valid denominations for currencies. |
PAY_MONETARY_UNITS_TL | Translated data for the table PAY_MONETARY_UNITS_TL |
PAY_MONITOR_BALANCE_RETRIEVALS | Monitors the source of balance retrievals |
PAY_MX_EARN_EXEMPTION_RULES_F | Used to hold the Earnings exemption rules for Mexico |
PAY_MX_LEGISLATION_INFO_F | Mexican legislation specific data |
PAY_NET_CALCULATION_RULES | Element entry values which contribute to the net value of Paid Time Off. |
PAY_NL_IZA_UPLD_STATUS | Holds the Status of the Data Records in the Processed IZA File |
PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F | Payment methods used by a Business Group. |
PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_TL | Translated payment method information |
PAY_ORG_PAY_METHOD_USAGES_F | Payment methods available to assignments on a specific payroll. |
PAY_PATCH_STATUS | Used to track the application of patches. |
PAY_PAYMENT_TYPES | Types of payment that can be processed by the system. |
PAY_PAYMENT_TYPES_TL | Translated payment type details |
PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS | Holds information about a payroll process. |
PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_PAYROLL_GL_FLEX_MAPS | Payroll to GL key flexfield segment mappings. |
PAY_PAYROLL_LIST | List of payrolls that a secure user can access. |
PAY_PEOPLE_GROUPS | People group flexfield information. |
PAY_PERSONAL_PAYMENT_METHODS_F | Personal payment method details for an employee. |
PAY_PERSONAL_PAYMENT_METHO_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_PERSONAL_PAYMENT_METHODS_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_PERSON_LATEST_BALANCES | Latest balance values for a person. |
PAY_POPULATION_RANGES | PERSON_ID ranges for parallel processing. |
PAY_PRE_PAYMENTS | Pre-Payment details for an assignment, including the currency, the amount and the specific payment method. |
PAY_PRE_PAYMENTS_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_PRE_PAYMENTS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_PROCESS_EVENTS | Process event capture table. |
PAY_PROCESS_GROUPS | Defines groups of processes |
PAY_PROCESS_GROUP_ACTIONS | Processes within the Process Group |
PAY_PSS_TRANSACTION_STEPS | Table holding (denormalised) work-in-progress for Payroll Payments self-service. |
PAY_PURGE_ACTION_TYPES | Details of the processing order required to purge action types. |
PAY_PURGE_ROLLUP_BALANCES | Populated during Purge. Stores details of the balance values being removed. |
PAY_QUICKPAY_EXCLUSIONS | List of element entries that are to be excluded from a QuickPay run. |
PAY_QUICKPAY_INCLUSIONS | List of element entries that can be included in a QuickPay run. |
PAY_RATES | Definitions of pay rates, or pay scales that may be applied to grades. |
PAY_RECORDED_REQUESTS | Dated process information. |
PAY_REPORT_FORMAT_ITEMS_F | Individual items for the report mapping. |
PAY_REPORT_FORMAT_MAPPINGS_F | Maps a report for a given jurisdiction to the fixed format defined for the magnetic tape. |
PAY_RESTRICTION_PARAMETERS | Restrictions to the rows retrieved by a customized form. |
PAY_RESTRICTION_VALUES | The specific values to be used to customize a form. |
PAY_RETRO_ASSIGNMENTS | Identifies assignment for reprocessing |
PAY_RETRO_ENTRIES | Identifies the Entries required for re-processing. |
PAY_RETRO_NOTIF_REPORTS | Populated and used in the RetroNotification Report |
PAY_ROUTE_TO_DESCR_FLEXS | Store of routes to Descriptive Flexfields |
PAY_RUN_BALANCES | Store of run level balances. |
PAY_RUN_RESULTS | Result of processing a single element entry. |
PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES | Result values from processing a single element entry. |
PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_RUN_TYPES_F | The different types of Payroll Run processing |
PAY_RUN_TYPES_F_TL | Translated run type descriptions |
PAY_RUN_TYPE_ORG_METHODS_F | Organisation level payment methods associated with a particular run type. |
PAY_RUN_TYPE_ORG_METHODS_F_EFC | This is a copy of the PAY_RUN_TYPE_ORG_METHODS_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as a Functional Currency) process. |
PAY_RUN_TYPE_USAGES_F | Holds child run types where the run type parent is of type Cumulative. |
PAY_SECURITY_PAYROLLS | List of payrolls and security profile access rules. |
PAY_SHADOW_BALANCE_CLASSI | Element Template Shadow Balance Classifications |
PAY_SHADOW_BALANCE_FEEDS | Element Template Shadow Balance Feeds |
PAY_SHADOW_BALANCE_TYPES | Element Template Shadow Balance Types |
PAY_SHADOW_DEFINED_BALANCES | Element Template Shadow Defined Balances |
PAY_SHADOW_ELEMENT_TYPES | Element Template Shadow Element Type |
PAY_SHADOW_ELE_TYPE_USAGES | Element Template Shadow Element Type Usages |
PAY_SHADOW_FORMULAS | Element Template Shadow Formulas |
PAY_SHADOW_FORMULA_RULES | Element Template Shadow Formula Result Rules |
PAY_SHADOW_GU_BAL_EXCLUSIONS | Element Template Grossup Balance Exclusions |
PAY_SHADOW_INPUT_VALUES | Element Template Shadow Input Values |
PAY_SHADOW_ITERATIVE_RULES | Element Template Shadow Iterative Rules |
PAY_SHADOW_SUB_CLASSI_RULES | Element Template Shadow Sub-Classification Rules |
PAY_STATE_RULES | US state tax information. |
PAY_STATUS_PROCESSING_RULES_F | Assignment status rules for processing specific elements. |
PAY_SUB_CLASSIFICATION_RULES_F | Rules to determine the inclusion of an element in a secondary element classification. |
PAY_TAXABILITY_RULES | Taxability rules for categories of earnings and deductions. |
PAY_TAXABILITY_RULES_DATES | Maintains taxability rules date-effectively, to allow for end-of-year updates. |
PAY_TEMPLATE_CORE_OBJECTS | Keeps track of the core schema objects generated from an element template. |
PAY_TEMPLATE_EXCLUSION_RULES | Controls the exclusion of an object from an Element Template |
PAY_TEMPLATE_FF_USAGES | Allows multiple formulas to be associated with a shadow object. |
PAY_TEMP_BALANCE_ADJUSTMENTS | Holds temporary data used by the balance initialization process. |
PAY_TRIGGER_COMPONENTS | Stored procedures that are executed from dynamic triggers |
PAY_TRIGGER_DECLARATIONS | Variables declared in dynamic triggers |
PAY_TRIGGER_EVENTS | Definitions of triggers that are dynamically generated |
PAY_TRIGGER_INITIALISATIONS | How dynamically generated triggers initialise their local variables |
PAY_TRIGGER_PARAMETERS | Parameter mappings for dynamically generated procedure and function calls |
PAY_TRIGGER_SUPPORT | Allows support package for dynamically generated trigger to be linked to the trigger |
PAY_USER_COLUMNS | Column definitions for user defined tables. |
PAY_USER_COLUMN_INSTANCES_F | Actual values for each row and column combination in a user defined table. |
PAY_USER_ROWS_F | Row definitions for user defined tables. |
PAY_USER_TABLES | Table definitions for user defined tables. |
PAY_US_ASG_REPORTING | Denormalised performance table for accessing balances. |
PAY_US_CITY_GEOCODES | Holds all distinct combinations of state code, county code and city code. |
PAY_US_CITY_NAMES | US cities and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses. |
PAY_US_CITY_SCHOOL_DSTS | VERTEX geocodes for school districts within a city. |
PAY_US_CITY_TAX_INFO_F | Holds city tax information. |
PAY_US_CONTRIBUTION_HISTORY | Contribution History stores yearly consolidated contribution data for a Person per GRE per contribution type |
PAY_US_COUNTIES | US counties and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses. |
PAY_US_COUNTY_SCHOOL_DSTS | VERTEX geocodes for school districts that span counties. |
PAY_US_COUNTY_TAX_INFO_F | Holds county tax information. |
PAY_US_EMP_CITY_TAX_RULES_F | City level tax details for employee assignments. |
PAY_US_EMP_COUNTY_TAX_RULES_F | County level tax details for employee assignments. |
PAY_US_EMP_FED_TAX_RULES_F | Federal level tax details for employee assignments. |
PAY_US_EMP_STATE_TAX_RULES_F | State level tax details for employee assignments. |
PAY_US_FEDERAL_TAX_INFO_F | Holds federal tax information. |
PAY_US_GARN_ARREARS_RULES_F | Used for holding the Garnishment Arrears Rules |
PAY_US_GARN_EXEMPTION_RULES_F | Used for holding the Garnishment Exemption Rules |
PAY_US_GARN_FEE_RULES_F | Used for holding the Garnishment Fee rules |
PAY_US_GARN_LIMIT_RULES_F | Used for holding the Garnishment Limit Rules. |
PAY_US_GEO_UPDATE | To keep track of changes made to the user data by the geocode patch. |
PAY_US_MODIFIED_GEOCODES | US cities and their VERTEX geocodes, used for showing modified geocodes. |
PAY_US_RPT_TOTALS | A temporary table to be used in Payroll and Paper W2 Reports. |
PAY_US_SCHOOL_DSTS_TAX_INFO_F | The Federal Liaison Services ( FLS ) agency codes have been mapped to the School District Jurisdiction Information Codes |
PAY_US_STATES | US states and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses. |
PAY_US_STATE_TAX_INFO_F | Holds the state tax information. |
PAY_US_TAX_BALANCES | Tax balances used by US Payroll Tax balance reporting. |
PAY_US_TAX_REPORT_BALANCES | Identifies tax balances for US Payroll Tax Summary Listing report. |
PAY_US_TAX_REPORT_DIMENSIONS | Balance dimensions used by the US Payroll Tax Summary Listing report. |
PAY_US_TAX_TYPES | US Tax Types used by US Payroll Tax Balance reporting. |
PAY_US_ZIP_CODES | Valid zip code ranges for VERTEX cities, used to validate US addresses. |
PAY_WCI_ACCOUNTS | Workers Compensation Accounts table. |
PAY_WCI_OCCUPATIONS | Workers Compensation occupations table. |
PAY_WCI_RATES | Workers Compensation rates table. NB. This table is currently used for Canadian workers compensation, but is designed to be used globally. |
PAY_WC_FUNDS | Workers Compensation Funds table. |
PAY_WC_RATES | Workers Compensation Rates table. |
PAY_WC_STATE_SURCHARGES | Workers Compensation Surcharges table. |
PAY_ZA_ACB_USER_GEN_NOS | PAY_ZA_ACB_USER_GEN_NOS holds the ACB generation number information needed when submitting magnetic tapes to ACB. |
PAY_ZA_BRANCH_CDV_DETAILS | PAY_ZA_BRANCH_CDV_DETAILS stores Bank and Branch information used to verify Bank account numbers. |
PAY_ZA_CDV_PARAMETERS | PAY_ZA_CDV_PARAMETERS holds information needed to perform the CDV on bank account numbers. |
PAY_ZA_IRP5_BAL_CODES | Table holds codes for IRP5 balances |
PAY_ZA_TAXREG_BAL_TEMP | Table holds balance types for specific assignments |
PAY_ZA_TAX_REGISTERS | PAY_ZA_TAX_REGISTERS is used for the South African Tax Register Report. |
PAY_ZA_TAX_TRACES | PAY_ZA_TAX_TRACES holds tax trace data calculated during the payroll run. Only the most recent run's data will be stored. |
PAY_ZA_TEMP_BRANCH_DETAILS | PAY_ZA_TEMP_BRANCH_DETAILS is a temporary table that holds Bank and Branch information used to verify Bank account numbers, used in the population of PAY_ZA_BRANCH_CDV_DETAILS. |
PAY_ZA_TYS_PROCESSES | PAY_ZA_TYS_PROCESSES stored information about each Tax Year Start Process that was run to ensure that the process will not be run for the same payroll and tax year, and to ensure that a rollback on the process will not occur if the specific |
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
Oracle PayrollTables
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