HR_PUMP_MAPPING_PACKAGES | Lists PL/SQL packages that contain the parameter mapping functions used by data pump generated code. If module_package and module_name are both null then the mapping functions may be used by all APIs. |
HR_PUMP_MODULE_PARAMETERS | Holds seeded information about API parameters for data pump code generation. |
HR_PUMP_RANGES | Controls the parallelisation of the work when the data pump is running on multiprocessor platforms. |
HR_PUMP_REQUESTS | Holds information on data pump concurrent requests currently running. |
HR_QUESTIONNAIRES | Questionnaires used within SSHR. |
HR_QUEST_ANSWERS | Answers for a questionnaire. |
HR_QUEST_ANSWER_VALUES | Answer values for a questionnaire. |
HR_QUEST_FIELDS | Fields of a questionnaire. |
HR_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX | Legislation specific information for payrolls, organizations and assignments. |
HR_SOURCE_FORM_TEMPLATES | Identities of templates which have been copied and the resulting copy. Helps distinguish seeded templates from copied ones. |
HR_STU_EXCEPTIONS | Error conditions from the startup data process. |
HR_STU_HISTORY | Versions of HRMS Startup data installed |
HR_SUMMARY | HR_SUMMARY holds all data for the Generic Summary Process. |
HR_SUMMARY_EFC | This is a copy of the HR_SUMMARY table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
HR_S_US_CITY_NAMES | US cities and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses. |
HR_S_US_CITY_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_COUNTY_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_FEDERAL_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_STATE_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_ZIP_CODES | Valid zip code ranges for VERTEX cities, used to validate US addresses. |
HR_S_WC_STATE_SURCHARGES | - Retrofitted |
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_B | Properties of tab pages for configurable forms |
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_TL | Translated properties of tab pages for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_CANVASES_B | Definition of canvases on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_DATA_GROUPS | Definition for data group on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEMS_B | Definition of items on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXTS_B | Definition of items on a template for given context, for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXT_PAGES | Information about which tab pages item belongs to for a specific context, on template for configurable form. |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_TAB_PAGES | Information about which tab pages item belongs to on template for configurable form. |
HR_TEMPLATE_TAB_PAGES_B | Definition of tab page for template, for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_WINDOWS_B | Definition of window for a template, for configurable forms |
HR_TIPS | Help components used within SSHR. |
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_B | Properties of windows for configurable forms |
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_TL | Translated properties of windows for configurable forms |
HR_WIP_LOCKS | Stores context lock for a transaction |
HR_WIP_TRANSACTIONS | Stores the transaction information and state |
HR_WORKFLOWS | Taskflows in Oracle HRMS. |
HR_WORKING_PERSON_LISTS | Holds a list of people who constitute a user current list, used in the Line Manager Web pages |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES | Records of absence, or attendance for an employee. |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPES | User defined absence types. |
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_REASONS | Valid absence reasons for an absence type. |
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_TYPES_TL | Holds translated information for Absence Types |
PER_ADDRESSES | Address information for people. |
PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F | Employee and applicant assignment details. |
PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F | DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people. |
PER_ALL_POSITIONS | Dual-maintained position definition information. |
PER_ALL_VACANCIES | Vacancies within a specific requisition. |
PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA | Flexfield combination table for the personal analysis key flexfield. |
PER_APPLICATIONS | Applications for employment. |
PER_APPRAISALS | An appraisal is a record of an evaluation of a person by others. |
PER_APPRAISAL_TEMPLATES | The heading or grouping of appraisal questions. |
PER_ASSESSMENTS | The grouping of a set of assessment elements. |
PER_ASSESSMENT_GROUPS | Grouping of People for 360 reviews |
PER_ASSESSMENT_TYPES | The definition of an assessment template |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F | Budget values for an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALU_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES_TL | Translated types of extra information that may be held against an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_LIST | List of assignments that a secure user can access. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES | Predefined and user defined assignment status types. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES_TL | Predefined and user defined translated assignment status types. |
PER_ASSIGN_PROPOSAL_ANSWERS | Web Candidate Offer Answers |
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS | User amendments to predefined assignment status types. |
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS_TL | Translated user amendments to predefined assignment status types. |
PER_BF_BALANCE_AMOUNTS | Holds assignment level run amount and summary values for backfeed balances by payroll processing period |
PER_BF_BALANCE_TYPES | Types of balances that can be held |
PER_BF_PAYMENT_DETAILS | Holds details of payments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider, by assignment. |
PER_BF_PAYROLL_RUNS | Payrolls processed by 3rd party payroll provider. |
PER_BF_PROCESSED_ASSIGNMENTS | Intersection table storing details of assignments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider in each payroll run |
PER_BOOKINGS | Event booking details. |
PER_BUDGETS | Definitions of HR budgets. |
PER_BUDGET_ELEMENTS | Combinations of organization, grade, job, and position used to define detailed budget values. |
PER_BUDGET_VALUES | Planned HR budget values for specific budget elements. |
PER_BUDGET_VALUES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_BUDGET_VALUES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_BUDGET_VERSIONS | Identifies specific versions of an HR budget. |
PER_CAGR_GRADES | The reference collectively agreed grades for a Collective Agreement. |
PER_CAGR_GRADES_DEF | Collective agreement grades key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_CAGR_GRADE_STRUCTURES | The valid collectively agreed grade key flexfield structures for a particular collective agreement |
PER_CALENDAR_ENTRIES | Calendar Entries |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_GEO_LIST | Calendar Entry Geo Coverage Cache |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_ORG_LIST | Calendar Entry Org Coverage Cache |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_VALUES | Calendar Entry Values |
PER_CAREER_PATHS | List of career paths for jobs. |
PER_CAREER_PATH_ELEMENTS | Progression paths for specific jobs. |
PER_CHECKLIST_ITEMS | Checklist information. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_BENEFITS_F | Details of a benefit that the employee accepts or rejects as part of their COBRA coverage. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_PERIODS | Holds coverage periods for COBRA qualifying events. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_STATUSES | Tracks the status of a COBRA enrollment. |
PER_COBRA_COV_ENROLLMENTS | Enrollments for people who are eligible for continued benefit coverage under COBRA. |
PER_COBRA_DEPENDENTS_F | Holds employee dependents coverage for a COBRA qualifying event. |
PER_COBRA_QFYING_EVENTS_F | Events that have meaning in the context of COBRA coverage, e.g. Divorce, Termination, Death etc. |
PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENTS | Collective agreement information. |
PER_COMPETENCES | A competence is a definition of knowledge, skills, abilities or other charactaristics that a person may possess. |
PER_COMPETENCES_TL | This table is used for language translations |
PER_COMPETENCE_DEFINITIONS | COMPETENCES Key flexfield combinations table |
PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS | A competence element is used to record an individual competence and an evaluation rating. |
PER_COMPETENCE_OUTCOMES | Competence outcomes |
PER_COMP_ELEMENT_OUTCOMES | The outcomes achieved towards a given Competency . |
PER_CONTACT_EXTRA_INFO_F | Extra information for a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES_TL | Translated types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS | Contacts and relationship details for dependents, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, parents etc. |
PER_CONTRACTS_F | The details of a persons contract of employment |
PER_CPN_DATA_UPGRADE | Used to log errors / warnings during the conversion of competences to a key flex structure. |
PER_DEPLOYMENT_FACTORS | A factor affecting a person's capacity to be deployed within an organization. |
PER_DISABILITIES_F | Hold Disability information for one person |
PER_ELECTIONS | Holds election related information. |
PER_ELECTION_CANDIDATES | Holds information of Election candidates. |
PER_ELECTION_CONSTITUENCYS | This table holds information related to constituencies participating in the election. |
PER_ESTABLISHMENTS | This entity is used to maintain a list of educational establishments e.g. schools, colleges, universities, etc. |
PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES | A record of educational establishments that a person is currently attending or has previously attended. |
PER_EVENTS | Record of events such as interviews and appraisals for applicants and employees. |
PER_FORM_FUNCTIONS | Navigation and person change information for the Enter Person information screens. |
PER_GENERIC_REPORT_OUTPUT | Text lines for output by a generic report script, including: title, header, footer and body lines. |
PER_GRADES | Grade definitions for a business group. |
PER_GRADES_TL | Trnslated fields for per_grades |
PER_GRADE_DEFINITIONS | Grade key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_GRADE_SPINES_F | Stores the progression points for each grade scale. |
PER_HTML_TOOLKIT_REC_TYPES | Default values for the HR html toolkit. |
PER_IMAGES | Images for a designated row in a designated table. |
PER_INFO_TYPE_SECURITY | Cross table between Responsibilty and Info_type tables, used to secure info types based on responsibility. |
PER_JOBS | Jobs defined for a Business Group. |
PER_JOBS_TL | Translated columns for per_jobs |
PER_JOB_DEFINITIONS | Job key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_JOB_EVALUATIONS | Job evaluation details for specific jobs or positions. |
PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a job. |
PER_JOB_GROUPS | Holds Job Group Information. Each Job will be a member of a Job Group and a Job Group can optionally be within a business group. |
PER_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a job. |
PER_JOB_REQUIREMENTS | Requirements for specific jobs or positions. For example, skills, qualifications, experience, training. |
PER_JP_ADDRESS_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Addresses |
PER_JP_BANK_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Bank Branches |
PER_JP_POSTAL_CODES | Lookups for Japanese postal codes and districts |
PER_JP_SCHOOL_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Educational Institutions |
PER_KR_ADDRESSES | KR specific |
PER_KR_GRADES | KR specific |
PER_KR_G_POINTS | KR specific |
PER_LETTER_GEN_STATUSES | Associations between letter types and possible status type changes. |
PER_LETTER_REQUESTS | Requests for specific types of standard letter. |
PER_LETTER_REQUEST_LINES | Details of individual letter requests. |
PER_LETTER_TYPES | Letter types and auto-request definitions. |
PER_MASS_MOVES | High level mass move definition. |
PER_MEDICAL_ASSESSMENTS | Hold Medical Assessment information for one person |
PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS | PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS holds assignments that were defined as part of a mass move. |
PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS | PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS holds data related to transferring position requirements to a newly created position. |
PER_MM_POSITIONS | PER_MM_POSITIONS holds positions that were defined as part of a mass move. |
PER_MM_VALID_GRADES | PER_MM_VALID_GRADES holds valid grades that will be moved with a position during a mass move. |
PER_NL_ABSENCE_ACTIONS | Dutch Specific Absence Actions |
PER_NL_ABSENCE_CHANGES | Dutch Specific Absence Changes |
PER_NL_ASG_SCL_UPGRADE | Records the Dutch Assignment SCL Context Information Migrated used by the Report |
PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS | PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS holds the numbers that are automatically generated for a Business Group. |
PER_OBJECTIVES | A target or goal which may be evaluated during an appraisal. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_LIST | List of organizations that a secure user can access. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_STRUCTURES | Organization hierarchy names. |
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS | Organization hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between organizations. |
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS | Version control information for specific organization hierarchies. |
PER_PARENT_SPINES | Details of pay scales, (previously known as parent spines). |
PER_PARTICIPANTS | A person participating in an appraisal or assessment. |
PER_PAY_BASES | Definitions of specific salary bases. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS | Salary proposals and performance review information for employee assignments. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSALS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
lso | Component details of a pay proposal for an employee assignment. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a person. |
PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES | The table holds the definitions of extra information types that may be held against a person. |
PER_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS | A single evaluation of an objective. |
PER_PERFORMANCE_REVIEWS | Performance review information for employees. |
PER_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT | Periods of placement details for a non-payrolled worker |
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE | Period of service details for an employee. |
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PERSON_ANALYSES | Special information types for a person. |
PER_PERSON_DLVRY_METHODS | The communication delivery method for a person. |
PER_PERSON_LIST | List of people that a secure user can access. |
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES | List of people that are to be added to current PER_PERSON_LIST. |
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHG_ARCH | Archive table to hold content of PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES on upgrade. |
PER_PERSON_TYPES | Person types visible to specific Business Groups. |
PER_PERSON_TYPES_TL | Translated person types information. |
PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F | Identifies the types a person may be. |
PER_PHONES | PER_PHONES holds phone numbers for current and ex-employees, current and ex-applicants and employee contacts. |
PER_POSITION_DEFINITIONS | Combinations of segments stored in the PER_POSTIONS table. |
PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a position. |
PER_POSITION_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a position. |
PER_POSITION_LIST | List of positions that a secure user can access. |
PER_POSITION_STRUCTURES | Position Hierarchy names. |
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS | Position hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between positions. |
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS | Version control information for specific position hierarchies. |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOBS | Used to store Previous Jobs |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Previous Jobs extra info |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Used to store previous job info types |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_USAGES | Used to store previous job Usages |
PER_PREV_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Previous Jobs extra info |
PER_PREV_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Used to store previous job info types |
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_MEMBERS | Web Offers profile categories of questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_TYPES | Generic web offer category definitions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTIONS_ADV | Web Offer advanced questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_MEMBERS | Web offer profile questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_TYPES | Generic web offer questions |
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_HEADERS | Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F. |
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_LINES | Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F. |
PER_PTU_DFF_MIG_FAILED_PEOPLE | This table is used to store the details of the person records failed to migrate to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS | A record of educational qualification, certificates, licenses, etc that a person holds or is acquiring. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_QUALIFICATIONS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_TL | Translated qualification details. |
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES | Maintains the list of qualiification types that can be attained. |
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES_TL | Maintains the list of qualiification type translations |
PER_QUERY_CRITERIA | Used to store criteria to build up a query |
PER_QUICKPAINT_INVOCATIONS | Identifies QuickPaint report runs. |
PER_QUICKPAINT_RESULT_TEXT | Text description for the result of a single QuickPaint run. |
PER_RATING_LEVELS | A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences. |
PER_RATING_LEVELS_TL | A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences. |
PER_RATING_SCALES | A scale used to rate compentencies. |
PER_RATING_SCALES_TL | Translated rating scale name and description. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES | Recruitment activities and costs. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_FOR | Vacancies associated with a specific recruitment activity. |
PER_REQUISITIONS | Vacancy requisition details. |
PER_RI_DEPENDENCIES | Dependencies among Workbench tasks |
PER_RI_REQUESTS | Concurrent requests for workbench componenets |
PER_RI_SETUP_SUB_TASKS | Workbench setup sub-tasks |
PER_RI_SETUP_TASKS | Workbench Setup Tasks |
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS | Stores data related to view reports for HRMS |
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS_TL | Workbench View Reports Translation Table |
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS | Workbench items |
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS_TL | Translation table for Per_ri_workbench_items |
PER_ROLES | Holds the different roles that a person performs. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEYS | Market salary survey information. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES | Details for market salary surveys. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_MAPPINGS | Mapping information for a salary survey line. |
PER_SCHED_COBRA_PAYMENTS | Payment schedules for benefits provided by a COBRA coverage. |
PER_SECONDARY_ASS_STATUSES | Secondary assignment statuses used for information and reporting. |
PER_SECURITY_ORGANIZATIONS | List of organizations to include or exclude from security list |
PER_SECURITY_PROFILES | Security profile definitions to restrict user access to specific HRMS records. |
PER_SECURITY_USERS | List of users for a security profile whose access permissions will be stored in static lists duringSecurity List Maintenance. |
PER_SEC_PROFILE_ASSIGNMENTS | Security profile assignments for User, Responsibility and Business Group. |
PER_SHARED_TYPES | Holds 'type' and 'status' information. |
PER_SHARED_TYPES_TL | Translated information for shared types. |
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPES | Special information types available to a Business Group. |
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPE_USAGES | Limits usage of special information types to specific windows. |
PER_SPINAL_POINTS | List of progression points in a pay scale. |
PER_SPINAL_POINT_PLACEMENTS_F | Details of assignment placements to a grade step and point. |
PER_SPINAL_POINT_SEPS_F | Grade steps defined in a specific grade scale and their incremental order.:\\ |
PER_STANDARD_HOLIDAYS | Statutory Holiday information. |
PER_STARTUP_PERSON_TYPES_TL | Predefined list of translated person types. |
PER_STD_HOLIDAY_ABSENCES | Records when Statutory Holidays are taken. |
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN | Holds a record of a person's subject usages for a qualification |
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN_TL | Translated grade_attained. |
PER_SUCCESSION_PLANNING | The record of a person's proposed succession to a position. |
PER_TIME_PERIODS | Time period definitions for payroll processing and HR budget calendars. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_RULES | Rules for time periods used by the system. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_SETS | Specific dates for a defined calendar. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES | Predefined list of valid period types for payroll and HR budget calendars. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES_TL | Predefined list of translated period types for payroll and HR budget calendars. |
PER_US_INVAL_ADDRESSES | Temporary table used to hold invalid addresses. |
PER_US_INVAL_LOCATIONS | Temporary table used to hold invalid location addresses. |
PER_VALID_GRADES | Lists valid grades for jobs and positions. |
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS | Holds information on Incidents that happen at work or en route to work, for example, an industrial accident |
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_WORK_INCIDENTS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ZA_AREAS_OF_ASSESSMENT | Table to store the Areas of assessment per NQF Assessment |
PER_ZA_ASSESSMENTS | Table to store the NQF Assessment info for a person |
PER_ZA_EMPLOYMENT_EQUITY | Temporary table for Employment Equity Reporting |
PER_ZA_FORMAL_QUALIFICATIONS | Table to store additional NQF Qualification info for a person |
PER_ZA_LEARNERSHIP_AGREEMENTS | Table to store the NQF learnership agreement info between a person and the organization |
PER_ZA_QUALIFICATION_TYPES | Table to link qualification types (titles) to NQF qualification types |
PER_ZA_TRAINING | Table to store NQF Training info for a person |
HR_PUMP_MAPPING_PACKAGES | Lists PL/SQL packages that contain the parameter mapping functions used by data pump generated code. If module_package and module_name are both null then the mapping functions may be used by all APIs. |
HR_PUMP_MODULE_PARAMETERS | Holds seeded information about API parameters for data pump code generation. |
HR_PUMP_RANGES | Controls the parallelisation of the work when the data pump is running on multiprocessor platforms. |
HR_PUMP_REQUESTS | Holds information on data pump concurrent requests currently running. |
HR_QUESTIONNAIRES | Questionnaires used within SSHR. |
HR_QUEST_ANSWERS | Answers for a questionnaire. |
HR_QUEST_ANSWER_VALUES | Answer values for a questionnaire. |
HR_QUEST_FIELDS | Fields of a questionnaire. |
HR_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX | Legislation specific information for payrolls, organizations and assignments. |
HR_SOURCE_FORM_TEMPLATES | Identities of templates which have been copied and the resulting copy. Helps distinguish seeded templates from copied ones. |
HR_STU_EXCEPTIONS | Error conditions from the startup data process. |
HR_STU_HISTORY | Versions of HRMS Startup data installed |
HR_SUMMARY | HR_SUMMARY holds all data for the Generic Summary Process. |
HR_SUMMARY_EFC | This is a copy of the HR_SUMMARY table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
HR_S_US_CITY_NAMES | US cities and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses. |
HR_S_US_CITY_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_COUNTY_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_FEDERAL_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_STATE_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_ZIP_CODES | Valid zip code ranges for VERTEX cities, used to validate US addresses. |
HR_S_WC_STATE_SURCHARGES | - Retrofitted |
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_B | Properties of tab pages for configurable forms |
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_TL | Translated properties of tab pages for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_CANVASES_B | Definition of canvases on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_DATA_GROUPS | Definition for data group on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEMS_B | Definition of items on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXTS_B | Definition of items on a template for given context, for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXT_PAGES | Information about which tab pages item belongs to for a specific context, on template for configurable form. |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_TAB_PAGES | Information about which tab pages item belongs to on template for configurable form. |
HR_TEMPLATE_TAB_PAGES_B | Definition of tab page for template, for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_WINDOWS_B | Definition of window for a template, for configurable forms |
HR_TIPS | Help components used within SSHR. |
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_B | Properties of windows for configurable forms |
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_TL | Translated properties of windows for configurable forms |
HR_WIP_LOCKS | Stores context lock for a transaction |
HR_WIP_TRANSACTIONS | Stores the transaction information and state |
HR_WORKFLOWS | Taskflows in Oracle HRMS. |
HR_WORKING_PERSON_LISTS | Holds a list of people who constitute a user current list, used in the Line Manager Web pages |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES | Records of absence, or attendance for an employee. |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPES | User defined absence types. |
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_REASONS | Valid absence reasons for an absence type. |
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_TYPES_TL | Holds translated information for Absence Types |
PER_ADDRESSES | Address information for people. |
PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F | Employee and applicant assignment details. |
PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F | DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people. |
PER_ALL_POSITIONS | Dual-maintained position definition information. |
PER_ALL_VACANCIES | Vacancies within a specific requisition. |
PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA | Flexfield combination table for the personal analysis key flexfield. |
PER_APPLICATIONS | Applications for employment. |
PER_APPRAISALS | An appraisal is a record of an evaluation of a person by others. |
PER_APPRAISAL_TEMPLATES | The heading or grouping of appraisal questions. |
PER_ASSESSMENTS | The grouping of a set of assessment elements. |
PER_ASSESSMENT_GROUPS | Grouping of People for 360 reviews |
PER_ASSESSMENT_TYPES | The definition of an assessment template |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F | Budget values for an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALU_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES_TL | Translated types of extra information that may be held against an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_LIST | List of assignments that a secure user can access. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES | Predefined and user defined assignment status types. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES_TL | Predefined and user defined translated assignment status types. |
PER_ASSIGN_PROPOSAL_ANSWERS | Web Candidate Offer Answers |
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS | User amendments to predefined assignment status types. |
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS_TL | Translated user amendments to predefined assignment status types. |
PER_BF_BALANCE_AMOUNTS | Holds assignment level run amount and summary values for backfeed balances by payroll processing period |
PER_BF_BALANCE_TYPES | Types of balances that can be held |
PER_BF_PAYMENT_DETAILS | Holds details of payments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider, by assignment. |
PER_BF_PAYROLL_RUNS | Payrolls processed by 3rd party payroll provider. |
PER_BF_PROCESSED_ASSIGNMENTS | Intersection table storing details of assignments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider in each payroll run |
PER_BOOKINGS | Event booking details. |
PER_BUDGETS | Definitions of HR budgets. |
PER_BUDGET_ELEMENTS | Combinations of organization, grade, job, and position used to define detailed budget values. |
PER_BUDGET_VALUES | Planned HR budget values for specific budget elements. |
PER_BUDGET_VALUES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_BUDGET_VALUES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_BUDGET_VERSIONS | Identifies specific versions of an HR budget. |
PER_CAGR_GRADES | The reference collectively agreed grades for a Collective Agreement. |
PER_CAGR_GRADES_DEF | Collective agreement grades key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_CAGR_GRADE_STRUCTURES | The valid collectively agreed grade key flexfield structures for a particular collective agreement |
PER_CALENDAR_ENTRIES | Calendar Entries |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_GEO_LIST | Calendar Entry Geo Coverage Cache |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_ORG_LIST | Calendar Entry Org Coverage Cache |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_VALUES | Calendar Entry Values |
PER_CAREER_PATHS | List of career paths for jobs. |
PER_CAREER_PATH_ELEMENTS | Progression paths for specific jobs. |
PER_CHECKLIST_ITEMS | Checklist information. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_BENEFITS_F | Details of a benefit that the employee accepts or rejects as part of their COBRA coverage. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_PERIODS | Holds coverage periods for COBRA qualifying events. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_STATUSES | Tracks the status of a COBRA enrollment. |
PER_COBRA_COV_ENROLLMENTS | Enrollments for people who are eligible for continued benefit coverage under COBRA. |
PER_COBRA_DEPENDENTS_F | Holds employee dependents coverage for a COBRA qualifying event. |
PER_COBRA_QFYING_EVENTS_F | Events that have meaning in the context of COBRA coverage, e.g. Divorce, Termination, Death etc. |
PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENTS | Collective agreement information. |
PER_COMPETENCES | A competence is a definition of knowledge, skills, abilities or other charactaristics that a person may possess. |
PER_COMPETENCES_TL | This table is used for language translations |
PER_COMPETENCE_DEFINITIONS | COMPETENCES Key flexfield combinations table |
PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS | A competence element is used to record an individual competence and an evaluation rating. |
PER_COMPETENCE_OUTCOMES | Competence outcomes |
PER_COMP_ELEMENT_OUTCOMES | The outcomes achieved towards a given Competency . |
PER_CONTACT_EXTRA_INFO_F | Extra information for a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES_TL | Translated types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS | Contacts and relationship details for dependents, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, parents etc. |
PER_CONTRACTS_F | The details of a persons contract of employment |
PER_CPN_DATA_UPGRADE | Used to log errors / warnings during the conversion of competences to a key flex structure. |
PER_DEPLOYMENT_FACTORS | A factor affecting a person's capacity to be deployed within an organization. |
PER_DISABILITIES_F | Hold Disability information for one person |
PER_ELECTIONS | Holds election related information. |
PER_ELECTION_CANDIDATES | Holds information of Election candidates. |
PER_ELECTION_CONSTITUENCYS | This table holds information related to constituencies participating in the election. |
PER_ESTABLISHMENTS | This entity is used to maintain a list of educational establishments e.g. schools, colleges, universities, etc. |
PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES | A record of educational establishments that a person is currently attending or has previously attended. |
PER_EVENTS | Record of events such as interviews and appraisals for applicants and employees. |
PER_FORM_FUNCTIONS | Navigation and person change information for the Enter Person information screens. |
PER_GENERIC_REPORT_OUTPUT | Text lines for output by a generic report script, including: title, header, footer and body lines. |
PER_GRADES | Grade definitions for a business group. |
PER_GRADES_TL | Trnslated fields for per_grades |
PER_GRADE_DEFINITIONS | Grade key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_GRADE_SPINES_F | Stores the progression points for each grade scale. |
PER_HTML_TOOLKIT_REC_TYPES | Default values for the HR html toolkit. |
PER_IMAGES | Images for a designated row in a designated table. |
PER_INFO_TYPE_SECURITY | Cross table between Responsibilty and Info_type tables, used to secure info types based on responsibility. |
PER_JOBS | Jobs defined for a Business Group. |
PER_JOBS_TL | Translated columns for per_jobs |
PER_JOB_DEFINITIONS | Job key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_JOB_EVALUATIONS | Job evaluation details for specific jobs or positions. |
PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a job. |
PER_JOB_GROUPS | Holds Job Group Information. Each Job will be a member of a Job Group and a Job Group can optionally be within a business group. |
PER_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a job. |
PER_JOB_REQUIREMENTS | Requirements for specific jobs or positions. For example, skills, qualifications, experience, training. |
PER_JP_ADDRESS_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Addresses |
PER_JP_BANK_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Bank Branches |
PER_JP_POSTAL_CODES | Lookups for Japanese postal codes and districts |
PER_JP_SCHOOL_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Educational Institutions |
PER_KR_ADDRESSES | KR specific |
PER_KR_GRADES | KR specific |
PER_KR_G_POINTS | KR specific |
PER_LETTER_GEN_STATUSES | Associations between letter types and possible status type changes. |
PER_LETTER_REQUESTS | Requests for specific types of standard letter. |
PER_LETTER_REQUEST_LINES | Details of individual letter requests. |
PER_LETTER_TYPES | Letter types and auto-request definitions. |
PER_MASS_MOVES | High level mass move definition. |
PER_MEDICAL_ASSESSMENTS | Hold Medical Assessment information for one person |
PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS | PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS holds assignments that were defined as part of a mass move. |
PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS | PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS holds data related to transferring position requirements to a newly created position. |
PER_MM_POSITIONS | PER_MM_POSITIONS holds positions that were defined as part of a mass move. |
PER_MM_VALID_GRADES | PER_MM_VALID_GRADES holds valid grades that will be moved with a position during a mass move. |
PER_NL_ABSENCE_ACTIONS | Dutch Specific Absence Actions |
PER_NL_ABSENCE_CHANGES | Dutch Specific Absence Changes |
PER_NL_ASG_SCL_UPGRADE | Records the Dutch Assignment SCL Context Information Migrated used by the Report |
PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS | PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS holds the numbers that are automatically generated for a Business Group. |
PER_OBJECTIVES | A target or goal which may be evaluated during an appraisal. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_LIST | List of organizations that a secure user can access. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_STRUCTURES | Organization hierarchy names. |
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS | Organization hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between organizations. |
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS | Version control information for specific organization hierarchies. |
PER_PARENT_SPINES | Details of pay scales, (previously known as parent spines). |
PER_PARTICIPANTS | A person participating in an appraisal or assessment. |
PER_PAY_BASES | Definitions of specific salary bases. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS | Salary proposals and performance review information for employee assignments. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSALS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
lso | Component details of a pay proposal for an employee assignment. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a person. |
PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES | The table holds the definitions of extra information types that may be held against a person. |
PER_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS | A single evaluation of an objective. |
PER_PERFORMANCE_REVIEWS | Performance review information for employees. |
PER_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT | Periods of placement details for a non-payrolled worker |
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE | Period of service details for an employee. |
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PERSON_ANALYSES | Special information types for a person. |
PER_PERSON_DLVRY_METHODS | The communication delivery method for a person. |
PER_PERSON_LIST | List of people that a secure user can access. |
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES | List of people that are to be added to current PER_PERSON_LIST. |
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHG_ARCH | Archive table to hold content of PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES on upgrade. |
PER_PERSON_TYPES | Person types visible to specific Business Groups. |
PER_PERSON_TYPES_TL | Translated person types information. |
PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F | Identifies the types a person may be. |
PER_PHONES | PER_PHONES holds phone numbers for current and ex-employees, current and ex-applicants and employee contacts. |
PER_POSITION_DEFINITIONS | Combinations of segments stored in the PER_POSTIONS table. |
PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a position. |
PER_POSITION_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a position. |
PER_POSITION_LIST | List of positions that a secure user can access. |
PER_POSITION_STRUCTURES | Position Hierarchy names. |
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS | Position hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between positions. |
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS | Version control information for specific position hierarchies. |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOBS | Used to store Previous Jobs |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Previous Jobs extra info |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Used to store previous job info types |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_USAGES | Used to store previous job Usages |
PER_PREV_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Previous Jobs extra info |
PER_PREV_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Used to store previous job info types |
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_MEMBERS | Web Offers profile categories of questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_TYPES | Generic web offer category definitions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTIONS_ADV | Web Offer advanced questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_MEMBERS | Web offer profile questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_TYPES | Generic web offer questions |
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_HEADERS | Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F. |
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_LINES | Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F. |
PER_PTU_DFF_MIG_FAILED_PEOPLE | This table is used to store the details of the person records failed to migrate to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS | A record of educational qualification, certificates, licenses, etc that a person holds or is acquiring. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_QUALIFICATIONS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_TL | Translated qualification details. |
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES | Maintains the list of qualiification types that can be attained. |
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES_TL | Maintains the list of qualiification type translations |
PER_QUERY_CRITERIA | Used to store criteria to build up a query |
PER_QUICKPAINT_INVOCATIONS | Identifies QuickPaint report runs. |
PER_QUICKPAINT_RESULT_TEXT | Text description for the result of a single QuickPaint run. |
PER_RATING_LEVELS | A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences. |
PER_RATING_LEVELS_TL | A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences. |
PER_RATING_SCALES | A scale used to rate compentencies. |
PER_RATING_SCALES_TL | Translated rating scale name and description. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES | Recruitment activities and costs. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_FOR | Vacancies associated with a specific recruitment activity. |
PER_REQUISITIONS | Vacancy requisition details. |
PER_RI_DEPENDENCIES | Dependencies among Workbench tasks |
PER_RI_REQUESTS | Concurrent requests for workbench componenets |
PER_RI_SETUP_SUB_TASKS | Workbench setup sub-tasks |
PER_RI_SETUP_TASKS | Workbench Setup Tasks |
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS | Stores data related to view reports for HRMS |
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS_TL | Workbench View Reports Translation Table |
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS | Workbench items |
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS_TL | Translation table for Per_ri_workbench_items |
PER_ROLES | Holds the different roles that a person performs. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEYS | Market salary survey information. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES | Details for market salary surveys. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_MAPPINGS | Mapping information for a salary survey line. |
PER_SCHED_COBRA_PAYMENTS | Payment schedules for benefits provided by a COBRA coverage. |
PER_SECONDARY_ASS_STATUSES | Secondary assignment statuses used for information and reporting. |
PER_SECURITY_ORGANIZATIONS | List of organizations to include or exclude from security list |
PER_SECURITY_PROFILES | Security profile definitions to restrict user access to specific HRMS records. |
PER_SECURITY_USERS | List of users for a security profile whose access permissions will be stored in static lists duringSecurity List Maintenance. |
PER_SEC_PROFILE_ASSIGNMENTS | Security profile assignments for User, Responsibility and Business Group. |
PER_SHARED_TYPES | Holds 'type' and 'status' information. |
PER_SHARED_TYPES_TL | Translated information for shared types. |
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPES | Special information types available to a Business Group. |
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPE_USAGES | Limits usage of special information types to specific windows. |
PER_SPINAL_POINTS | List of progression points in a pay scale. |
PER_SPINAL_POINT_PLACEMENTS_F | Details of assignment placements to a grade step and point. |
PER_SPINAL_POINT_SEPS_F | Grade steps defined in a specific grade scale and their incremental order.:\\ |
PER_STANDARD_HOLIDAYS | Statutory Holiday information. |
PER_STARTUP_PERSON_TYPES_TL | Predefined list of translated person types. |
PER_STD_HOLIDAY_ABSENCES | Records when Statutory Holidays are taken. |
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN | Holds a record of a person's subject usages for a qualification |
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN_TL | Translated grade_attained. |
PER_SUCCESSION_PLANNING | The record of a person's proposed succession to a position. |
PER_TIME_PERIODS | Time period definitions for payroll processing and HR budget calendars. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_RULES | Rules for time periods used by the system. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_SETS | Specific dates for a defined calendar. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES | Predefined list of valid period types for payroll and HR budget calendars. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES_TL | Predefined list of translated period types for payroll and HR budget calendars. |
PER_US_INVAL_ADDRESSES | Temporary table used to hold invalid addresses. |
PER_US_INVAL_LOCATIONS | Temporary table used to hold invalid location addresses. |
PER_VALID_GRADES | Lists valid grades for jobs and positions. |
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS | Holds information on Incidents that happen at work or en route to work, for example, an industrial accident |
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_WORK_INCIDENTS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ZA_AREAS_OF_ASSESSMENT | Table to store the Areas of assessment per NQF Assessment |
PER_ZA_ASSESSMENTS | Table to store the NQF Assessment info for a person |
PER_ZA_EMPLOYMENT_EQUITY | Temporary table for Employment Equity Reporting |
PER_ZA_FORMAL_QUALIFICATIONS | Table to store additional NQF Qualification info for a person |
PER_ZA_LEARNERSHIP_AGREEMENTS | Table to store the NQF learnership agreement info between a person and the organization |
PER_ZA_QUALIFICATION_TYPES | Table to link qualification types (titles) to NQF qualification types |
PER_ZA_TRAINING | Table to store NQF Training info for a person |
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